Popular Add-on services


Finding new readers for your book is never easy. Added to this, Amazon changed its algorithm in favor of books with regular sales and reviews. So authors need to keep a regular stream of new sales and reviews being posted on Amazon. This service provides just that: a small but steady stream of sales and new reviews each month for your book.

Pricing per month:

Price of your bookMonthly # new salesMonthly # new reviewsMonthly price
$0.9950+3-4 per month$290
$2.9950+3-4 per month$395
other prices50+3-4 per monthcontact us


This will appeal to authors just looking for new sales over a period of 1-2 weeks. Amazon favors books that sell over a continued period of days rather than peak sales over just a day.

PRICING: Visit our SuperSeller page


This will appeal to authors with audio books on Amazon or Audible.com. The audio-book market is booming and there is no better way to promote it than getting new sales and reviews. Audio books are often sold at 5 times the price of ebooks, so its a good option for authors looking to make extra money.

PRICING: Visit our Audio Book page.


AMAZON VINE VOICE is widely used by top brands and publishers selling on Amazon to help get market recognition. Get the top reviewers on Amazon to purchase and review your book.  Selected by Amazon themselves, these reviews can really boost further the credibility of your book and Amazon Sales Ranking.

PRICING: Starts at $150 – contact us to see if we can find these top VINE REVIEWERS for your book.


Goodreads.com, the site where millions of book lovers discover new books and authors every day, is the most important social network for all authors. No matter what your category or genre, you need to reviews on Goodreads. This add-on service sends a request to our readers to also post their Amazon reviews also on Goodreads.

PRICING: $90 for 6-8 reviews copied to Goodreads; or $125 for 12-15 reviews


This service enables you to take control of the top customer review displayed on your Amazon book page.
Video reviews are the first thing readers see when looking at your customer reviews, and videos often leave a bigger impression than the written word.
See a negative or not so helpful review placed high up on your page?
What you need is a video review that better reflects the content and quality of your book. We are here to help you.

PRICING: Press the Contact Us button on the top right and ask for pricing with examples to be sent to you.


We work with a number of Book Editorial services, and Book Award Sites where we are affiliates, and can therefore offer you DISCOUNT CODES (of $25+ on many of these sites).

PRICING: Free – Contact us for your coupon code and list of sites where you can use them.


Many authors are asking how they can further leverage their Best Seller status we achieved for them. Others are asking for press promotions to go with their book launch or promotion.
As a result I am now working with a PR partner that specializes in getting author success stories published at top press sites in the USA. They include the the top press agencies like Chicago Tribune, and many others.

PRICING: Starts at $450. Press the Contact Us button on the top right to request this service.


One of our most popular services, resulting in thousands of people viewing your book on Amazon with new sales. Get your book advertised along side other leading books in your genre.
No credit-card or KDP account access needed – we’ll take care of all Ad click expenses.


When it comes to selling books, there is no doubt that an eye-catching cover is highly important.
People DO judge a book by its cover so make yours count!
We’ll send out your request to 3 of our partners and find the best offer price.
10% discount offered to our customers.

PRICING: Starting at $150. Contact Us to get your 10% discount coupon.


Goodreads.com, the site where millions of book lovers discover new books and authors every day, is the most important social network for all authors. No matter what your category or genre, you need to reviews on Goodreads. This add-on service sends a request to our readers to also post their Amazon reviews also on Goodreads.

PRICING: $90 for 6-8 reviews copied to Goodreads; or $125 for 12-15 reviews

SEO SERVICE: (limited edition)

Do you want to reach page 1 of Amazon’s search results?
Stamp your mark on the market by showing you are the #1 authority in the subject you cover.

PRICING: This is a customized service needing us to evaluate your keyword and chances of reaching page 1 of Amazon’s search results. Pricing starts at $100 and best suited for non-fiction books. 

Requesting any of these services:

Simply send us an email reply to kbookpromotions Support or use the CONTACT US button to reach us.
Please mention:
– the name of the book and author name
– which of these services you want
– any specific quantities you want