1. Select the price of your book
2. Super and Best Seller
Service for your book priced at $2.99 |
I want to
reach the top Best Seller
lists |
or just seek new sales for my book |
Service: |
Super Seller Chrome |
Super Seller Bronze |
Best Seller Silver |
Best Seller Gold |
Avg # of book sales |
50 |
100 |
120-150 |
180+ |
Average # of reviews |
- |
- |
1-2 |
3-6 |
Reach BestSeller Lists |
- |
- |
Yes |
Top 10
aiming for #1 |
Best-fit categories |
- |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Screenshots of the results |
- |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
BestSeller Badge |
- |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Price |
$250 |
$475 |
$790 |
$1300 |
For Silver and Gold promotions, we will verify if
the sales total you requested is
enough to make the Amazon Best Seller
lists in your category
(this is a 2 day promotion, with reviews
posted during the next 1-2 weeks) |
or 2. Review Express |
I just want
to target reviewers |
Price of
Book |
Amazon Verified |
#Reviews |
Price |
Light |
$0.99 |
Yes |
6-8 |
$199 |
Light Speed* |
$0.99 |
Yes |
6-8 |
$250 |
Medium |
$0.99 |
Yes |
12-15 |
$405 |
Hot |
$0.99 |
Yes |
22-25 |
$680 |
(purchases and reviews
posted within 21 days)
* The Light Speed service ensures all purchases are made within 5 days,
such as when you run a Countdown promotion |
ensure you read our How it
Works page before
If your book is priced over
$2.99, contact us for a price
quote. |