Amazon Rules for what is a Purchased Book Amazon Rules on Purchased Books

The Amazon Rules: What counts as a purchased book?

The rules for what counts as a purchase book on Amazon can be quite confusing. Understanding these rules is important to determine your royalty revenue you have earned from your sold books, and also in getting the important Amazon “verified purchase” reviews from your readers. So let’s look first at what does NOT count as a purchased book on Amazon.

Not Counted as a Purchased Book

It may surprise you to discover the following:

Kindle Unlimited Downloads

These are consider to be "borrowed" books from Amazon. You can have up to 10 borrowed books at one time. Just like you borrow books from a library, they are not your property and therefore not purchased books.

Gifted Books

Authors can offer their books as gifts on Amazon. Again, these are not purchased by the reader strictly speaking, so any review posted from them will be deemed as unverified.

Counted as a Purchased Book

In addition to obvious case of someone buying your book on Amazon, also consider:


Pre-orders count as purchased books, but your royalty revenue will not count until the day of your book release, and reviews cannot be posted until after the release date.

Free Books

If your book is perma-free (that is to say permanently priced for free) or offered temporarily for free using Amazon's Kindle Select program, then it will be considered as purchased for $0 .

Other Considerations

Please take these other considerations into account when seeking Amazon "verified purchase" reviews when people buy your book:
  • If your reviewer buys your book BEFORE reviewing it, it will appear as verified.
  • If your reviewer buys your book AFTER already reviewing it, such as when getting it for free as an ARC) it will not show as verified. They can rectify this by deleting their review, and re-posting it or (better yet) simply editing their existing review and saving it). In this case it will appear as a verified purchase review.
  • If a reader posts a review of your paperback or hardback version, and then purchases a pre-order of your Ebook, it will show as verified. So paperback and hardback reviews carry over when they synch with the Ebook. If it does not, contact Amazon Support to request this ans all your reviews from your paperback or hardback will be copied to your Ebook.

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