Book Marketing Tips that no longer work Book Marketing Tips that no longer work

Beware of the following marketing tips

Please be aware of these popular yet antiquated marketing tips that no longer work.

  • Many books and blog articles on tips for getting book reviews will tell you to look up the books similar to your own and to then see who has reviewed that book.
    You can then click on the reviewer profile and in some cases see if they have left their email contact details. You can then send them a polite email offering your book for free in exchange for an honest review.
    NO MORE!
    Amazon has removed the email addresses form all the reviewer profile pages.
    Note: Companies (or tools) that offered authors email addresses in this way have become largely redundant. Website such as Book Razor have entirely stopped their business operations unable to provide the e-mail addresses they scraped from the Amazon sites and sold to authors. Other tools, Book Review Targeter, has also become
    all but useless since their #1 selling point of providing reviewers’ email addresses has also disappeared.

  • A lesser known trick to raise your Amazon Sales Rank and garner more sales was to offer your book for free, such as by using Kindle Select, and then (just before the free promotion  date ends) to go into KDP and cancel the free promotion about 12 hours earlier. The idea here was that when the book changed from free to Amazon, the high ranking you got while the book was free would raise your ranking when it suddenly moved to Paid. A few eye-browse were raised using this method because during this period your book was still advertised on Amazon for free, but when readers tried to download it, they may have inadvertently not seen the price hike and paid  for the book.
    You can still cancel a free promotion early but the post-free sales hike you use to get is all but gone. Amazon has since dramatically lowered your sales rank the moment it becomes free again.

  • Sending ARC (Advanced Review Copy) in PDF, DOC, EPUB or MOBI format to readers in exchange for honest reviews posted on Amazon. Amazon now strong favors "verified purchase" reviews to the extent that in most cases ONLY verified purchase reviews are shown on your main book page. So probably nobody will see these ARC reviews. unverified. They are not totally redundant since they will count towards the total number of reviews displayed on your book page, but clearly their importance is much diminished.

Reviewer emails  have been removed 

The method of looking at reviewer profiles and looking up their email addresses no longer works. Amazon removed their emails address a while agom

Ending free promotions early

The post-free sales hike some authors use to experience when their book changed from free to paid has all but gone.

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